You searched for: “mucous membrane
mucous membrane
1. The mucus-secreting epithelial lining of cavities and canals that opens to the exterior of the body.
2. The general name given to the membrane that lines many of the hollow organs of the body.

These membranes vary widely in structure in different sites, but all have the common character of being lubricated by mucus.

It is derived in some cases from isolated cells on the surface of the membrane, but more generally from definite glands placed beneath the membrane, and opening here and there through it via ducts.

The air passages, the gastrointestinal tract, and the ducts of glands that open into it; and also the urinary passages, are all lined by mucous membrane.

This entry is located in the following unit: muco-, muc-, muci-, mucin- + (page 6)
mucous membrane, tunica mucosa
The lubricated inner lining of the mouth, nasal passages, vagina and urethra, and any membrane or lining which contains mucous secreting glands.
This entry is located in the following unit: muco-, muc-, muci-, mucin- + (page 6)
A unit related to: “mucous membrane
(Latin: a pendent, fleshy mass of tissue hanging from the soft palate above the root of the tongue; mucous membrane)
(Latin: tuft of hair, fleece; a villus, a small protrusion, especially arising from a mucous membrane)